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Hi!👋 I research, design, support
digital products.

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Some of my works 

Car connectivity application

A B3C mobile app which is a car connectivity application for a leading Fortune 500 automotive company, catering to various regions such as India, UAE, Turkey, Egypt, and KSA.

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Automobile parts ordering App

An automobile parts ordering app simplifies the process of purchasing vehicle components. Users can easily browse, select, and buy parts with features like detailed descriptions and secure payments, enhancing the efficiency of acquiring automotive essentials

“Park me” Parking application

A mobile application that helps users to find parking spaces easily in a venue they wish to travel and hence they can park their vehicles safely without any hassle in rush cities, also without wasting more amount of time finding a parking space.


Self service kiosk for an eatery establishment

A self-service kiosk that helps people to place their order instead of having manned counters for billing and serving, without any hassle in an eatery establishment.

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